Elbow | Articles

Ouch! Could Elbow Bursitis Be the Cause of Your Elbow Pain and Swelling?

Whether you’re on the job or taking swings on the pickleball court, elbow injuries can happen to anyone—and sometimes result in a case of elbow bursitis. Fortunately, this condition is treatable and usually goes away with a few weeks of...

What to Know About Golfers’ Elbow (and How to Prevent It)

Despite the name, you don’t have to be Phil Mickelson to get golfers’ elbow . This form of tendonitis can be caused by any number of jobs or activities that involve repeatedly swinging or bending your arm or wrist, from...

Pronator Syndrome: What Causes It and How to Get Forearm Pain Relief

If an aching or numbness in your arm has you searching for a way to get forearm pain relief , you could be dealing with pronator syndrome, or pronator teres syndrome (PTS). This condition can be very uncomfortable and...

What Causes Elbow Arthritis Pain? What Are the Best Treatment Options?

Our elbow joints are essential to doing everyday tasks, so pain and stiffness from elbow arthritis can seriously impact your quality of life. As you age, your risk of developing arthritis in your elbow joint increases. According to the...

Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Seeing an Elbow Pain Doctor When You Hurt

Minor or temporary pains in your elbow are common (like when you hit your funny bone on the edge of the table—ouch!), but ongoing pain or trouble moving your elbow might signal the need to see an elbow pain doctor...
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