Dr. Thomas J. Fischer Announces Retirement

Dr. Thomas J. Fischer announces his retirement from Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center, effective January 1, 2024. Read his full announcement below.
This journey began in earnest when I was 18 years old embarking on a degree in zoology and chemistry. I carried it forward through Indiana University Medical School, University of Washington orthopaedic residence, AO Hand Fellowship in Europe, and Duke University for another hand fellowship. I have now been in practice here since 1986. I cemented my place there during my wonderful year of hand fellowship in 1984-1985 with none other than Dr. Jim Creighton, the last guy to retire from this practice. After 37 wonderful years of doing what I love, I wish to move on to pursue other great adventures.
I plan to retire from the practice of medicine on January 1, 2024.
I will continue to teach. I will continue to be involved with my son James’s last year of residency and be his advocate. I could not be happier than to have him enter my field of hand and upper extremity surgery.
I have known Bill Kleinman since 1978. I have been blessed to be his student and partner. Besides him, those who offered me a job, Doctors Strickland, Steichen, Hastings, and Idler have all moved on. I pay a special tribute to our founding fathers, Jim Strickland, and Jim Steichen, two quite different people who were great surgeons, great innovators, great caregivers, and great people. Some 50 years ago their ideas sparked what has come to be known as a model institution to care for patients. It has been a place I have been proud to work. It is an institution to inspire and teach the next generation of hand surgeons so that we might pay it forward. My young partners give me great confidence that this prominent level of commitment will continue.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for giving me such a wonderful place to do the things I love best: fix things and give care to the body, mind and spirit of my patients. I look forward to the next six months. Let us make it the best six months ever!
With great respect and thanks,
Tom Fischer, MD