Hand | Articles

What Is a FOOSH Injury, and How Do I Know if I Have One?

Despite the strange name, sustaining a FOOSH injury is very common. FOOSH stands for “fall onto an outstretched hand” and is a catch-all term for various injuries. What all FOOSH injuries have in common is how they occur—when a...

Injured Softball Player Gets Back in the Game With Surgery, Finger Amputation, and Therapy

Liv S. was just expecting to spend a fun afternoon bonding with other families on her softball team when she popped into an ATV with her mom, stepmom, and brother, but that wasn’t what happened. Instead, a freak accident caused...

Knowing the Symptoms of a Broken Finger and When to See a Doctor

Do you know the signs and symptoms of a broken finger ? You know how much this injury can hurt if you’ve ever shut your fingers in a car door or jammed your thumb during a pickup basketball game....

Do You Have a Broken Side of Hand? Signs You Should Seek Medical Care

Can your hand be broken without bruising? Is it even possible to fracture the bone on the side of your hand? How can you tell if you have a broken fifth metacarpal bone? After getting injured, patients who suspect they...

Viking Fingers: Are You at Risk for This Progressive Hand Condition?

If you’ve never heard of Viking fingers , you might know it by its medical name: Dupuytren’s contracture. This condition typically progresses slowly over a matter of years, eventually making it difficult to do daily tasks like driving, typing,...
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